1. Cut

The cut of a diamond refers to how its facets interact with light. It is determined by its symmetry, proportion, polish and reflective qualities. This affects the stone’s overall sparkle and beauty.

Diamond Clarity

2. Clarity

A diamond’s clarity is measured by the visibility of microscopic inclusions and imperfections under 10–power magnification. If it has little to no inclusions, it is graded as pure and rare, aka flawless.


3. Colour

Colour refers to the natural yellow tint found in white diamonds. The closer a diamond is to “colourless,” the rarer it is. GIA graded diamonds assign a letter grade from “D” (colourless) to “Z” (light yellow).


4. Carat

Carat is the unit of measurement used to describe the weight of a diamond, not necessarily its size. One carat equals .20 grams. Cut, clarity and colour help determine a diamond’s value, not the carat weight alone.

October 17, 2023